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Connect with people who share your passion for fitness. Follow your favorite fitness influencers, make new friends, and be part of a supportive network that cheers you on every step of the way.
for the players hero image

Find Groups and Communities

Join with people who share your passion

Circles Fitness offers specialized groups and communities based on your interests. Whether you're into CrossFit, vegan nutrition, bodybuilding, or any other niche, you can find a group that aligns with your passion. Connect with members who share your specific goals and interests.
Find Groups and Communities
Connect Directly to Your PT or Coach

Connect Directly to Your PT or Coach

Via 1 to 1 chat and through their realtime Circle feeds

Connect directly with your personal trainer or coach via 1-to-1 chat for personalized guidance and support whenever you need it. Plus, stay perfectly aligned with your trainer's expertise, new content and announcements through their real-time Circle feeds. It's like having a fitness expert by your side, ready to help you reach your goals.

Activity Logging and Tracking

Equip yourself with user-friendly tools to make logging a breeze

Our easy-to-use tools allow you to log your workouts effortlessly. Track your daily, weekly, or monthly exercise routines, including details like duration, intensity, post work out mood and of course the exercises you performed. This detailed record becomes a valuable resource for assessing your progress and refining your training regimen.
Activity Logging and Tracking

Accountability + Feedback

When you know your fellow community members are following your journey, you're more likely to stay committed to your goals.

Make New Friends

Building a fitness community isn't just about following's about making real connections with real people to share this all with.

Receive Support

Hit a plateau or face a tough day? You community is here to lift you up with words of encouragement and motivation!

Stay Connected

Stay up to date with the latest news and trends via individual Circle feeds, and then dive into lively discussions in our chat threads feature.

Monitor Your Progress Easily

Use in built tests or create your own

Incorporating industry-standard tests and custom benchmarks into your fitness tracking adds a layer of precision and customisation to your journey. It's all about helping you set meaningful goals, track your progress with accuracy, and continually strive for improvement. Share progress with you team or your PT for feedback and guidance on how you can smash your targets.
Monitor Your Progress Easily
Collaborate and Compete

Collaborate and Compete

Enjoy pushing yourself and others through Challenges and Games

Whether you're into weightlifting, yoga, running, or any other fitness activity, you can find like-minded individuals to collaborate with or compete against. Set up challenges, participate in virtual races, or simply share your achievements with others who appreciate your dedication.

Workouts and Plans

Get what you need, when you need it

Use the advanced in-built workout and plan builders to construct your very own programs, or take advantage of specialist communities and expert leaders and get cutting edge up to date routines as and when you need them! Save and tag your favourites and build up your own personalised library.
Workouts and Plans
Manage Your Schedule

Manage Your Schedule

Your dedicated fitness calendar!

Seamlessly schedule events, workouts and challenges, and effortlessly keep tabs on your upcoming workouts from any plans you're enrolled in. Get notified of what's coming up, get your head in the game and never miss a session again.