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for the leaders

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Empower yourself as the driving force behind your own thriving fitness community. As Leader of your exclusive circle, you have the tools to connect, inspire and guide your community to unleash their potential. By smashing individual goals and building shared success stories we can reshape the future of fitness together!
for the leaders hero image
Empower Leadership
We give you the platform and the tools to do what you do best, leading and guiding a thriving fitness community towards their goals.
Create your Circle
Build your community
Engage directly
Empower Leadership
Drive Engagement
Engage with your community members on a personal level. Offer real-time feedback, answer questions, and motivate them to stay committed.
Drive Engagement
Establish Expertise
Showcase your expertise and leadership within the fitness space and elevate your status as a fitness influencer and thought leader.
Establish Expertise
Target Content
Offer specialised tailored workouts, nutrition tips, and expert guidance that directly address your members' goals.
Target Content
Monetize Your Passion
Turn your passion into a thriving fitness business by offering premium content, coaching services and merchandise.
Monetize Your Passion
Inspire Transformations
Witness the transformations of your community members as they make strides toward healthier lives.
Track progress
Set goals
Inspire Transformations
Key Features for Leaders
Manage your community with our in built content creation and social tools.
Circle Creator
Circle Creator
Create as many Circles as you like, customise them with a cover image, video, description and tags. Make them your own and then invite your crew to join your community.
Member Management
Member Management
Control who has access to your Circle by setting as public access or as by invite only. Give selected members admin / moderator status and keep tabs on member count.
Circle Newsfeed
Circle Newsfeed
Each Circle gets its own feed, accessible only to members. Post newest content, tips and announcements then track engagement through likes, comments and thread activity.
Challenge Builder
Challenge Builder
Create engaging challenges that ignite motivation and team spirit within you community! Tailor challenges to align with the unique goals and interests of your Circle and encourage members to push each other to reach new heights.
Workout + Plan Builders
Workout + Plan Builders
With built-in workout and plan builders, crafting a customized fitness programs has never been easier. Intuitive tools empower you to design flexible and personalized workout routines for your community or for individuals in a matter of minutes.
Chat + Notifications
Chat + Notifications
Chat and Push notifications ensure that your members are always up-to-date with your activities and content. Whether you're motivating, sharing insights, or simply staying in touch, our communication tools empower you to create a dynamic and informed community.